Sunday, April 3, 2011

After All You Do Know Best

Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
You begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Capo: 3

We’re trying to spin a web of dreams into non-fiction
And making facts out of someone else’s predictions
Trusting the photo booth to print out black & white love
That won’t fade with time
But even If I had done all you said I didn’t do
Would we still have proved our supporters right

Oooooo Oooooo Baby we’re just playing with fire
And it’s getting harder to hide the burns
Oooooo Oooooo I’m always a want but never a need
So won’t you just leave me to my dreams

Poetic versus & devoted love lines
They’re a trusted smile and beautiful mind
Something that makes a heart beat a little faster
Even if it’s not forever you’re after
So won’t you put my heart back on the shelf
So It can wait for someone else

Oooooo Oooooo Baby we’re just playing with fire
And it’s getting harder to hide the burns
Oooooo Oooooo I’m always a want but never a need
So won’t you just leave me to my dreams

Perfect for each other but not meant to be
And how can promises ring up as free
Since when is “I love you” not enough
The battle we lost but the war we gave up
Cuz without you there’d be no us
And without us... I'd be lost

Oooooo Oooooo Baby we’re just playing with fire
And it’s getting harder to hide the burns
Oooooo Oooooo I’m always a want but never a need
So won’t you just leave me to my dreams

Baby we’re just playing with fire
And It’s getting harder to hide the burns
Always a want but never a need
Baby when ya gonna learn?

Playing with fire, hiding the burns
You want me but when ya gonna learn?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Hope You Know What You're Doing

This isn’t about you, or me, this is about a choice I made, and continue to make every day.

A promise that I sealed with my blood, sweat and tears. A choice that will allow me to continue to make choices tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day. But what happens when a choice doesn’t allow you to choose anymore. I said yes when I could have said no. I made a promise… but so did you. Are you willing to bend? Are you willing to keep your promise? Are you willing to choose. I’ll stop dreaming, when you start waking up.

This isn’t about you, or me, this is about a choice you made, and continue to make every day.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


If you choose to leave. Good luck, I hope you don’t regret your decision.

If you choose to stay. I hope the wait was worth it.. I hope that your first hello reminds you why you didn’t want to leave them, your first hug reminds you why you missed them, and your first kiss reminds you why you love them. And you realize that every day you’ve had to be apart, every hour you couldn’t sleep, and every minute you spent missing them was made completely worth it just by that first moment back together. Because in that hello, hug and kiss you were reminded why you waited. And the wait was so worth it.

The Space Between

So now you’re apart.. for who knows how long. Days.. weeks.. months.. you read a letter from them, or catch a faint whiff of their smell from a t-shirt you have, you may hear their voice – you may not. Songs remind you of them, maybe you pass a place that you guys used to like, or their favorite band comes into town. Whatever it is.. you miss them. A lot. So now you have one of two choices to make.

You can stay and wait to say “I love you” to their face.
Or you can leave and try to one day find someone else to say it to.

Ready... Set... Don't Go

So what do you have? Is it enough to hold on to even though the only thing you wrap yourself around at night is air. It’s amazing how much someone’s presence can affect you. How If they even step in the room you get butterflies, how pathetic you feel when they leave for an hour – and you miss them. How sometimes you glance at them and can’t do anything but smile, or catch their glance and still can’t do anything but smile. You start doing things together, sharing accomplishments and defeats – and you start intertwining your lives, instead of just your fingertips. And then one day you wake up without them, and you realize that it’s also amazing how much someone’s absence can affect you. You listen to the same songs on repeat, you can’t fall asleep, you completely blow your diet. You thought you would be okay being apart; that you were ready to conquer the distance. And then you get to “good bye” - the moment where you have to let go of them, and your once intertwined fingers slip apart. And you realize that you completely underestimated how hard it would be without them.

Pointing Fingers

People blame relationship failures on distance all the time. But the distance between someone is only as far as you make it. Is it really worth giving up on someone you love just because you can’t see them everyday? Is that all your love is? Seeing someone everyday, being able to hug them or give them a kiss. Because if giving up a lifetime of good night kisses Is easier than giving up a few for the time being, then it wasn’t distance that made the relationship fail. It was you.