Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ready... Set... Don't Go

So what do you have? Is it enough to hold on to even though the only thing you wrap yourself around at night is air. It’s amazing how much someone’s presence can affect you. How If they even step in the room you get butterflies, how pathetic you feel when they leave for an hour – and you miss them. How sometimes you glance at them and can’t do anything but smile, or catch their glance and still can’t do anything but smile. You start doing things together, sharing accomplishments and defeats – and you start intertwining your lives, instead of just your fingertips. And then one day you wake up without them, and you realize that it’s also amazing how much someone’s absence can affect you. You listen to the same songs on repeat, you can’t fall asleep, you completely blow your diet. You thought you would be okay being apart; that you were ready to conquer the distance. And then you get to “good bye” - the moment where you have to let go of them, and your once intertwined fingers slip apart. And you realize that you completely underestimated how hard it would be without them.

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