Saturday, September 18, 2010

Good Morning

People are afraid. They’re afraid of being alone, afraid of falling in love with the wrong person, afraid of falling in love with the right person. Having to be alone is scary, love is scarier. You have something to lose when you’re in love. You have something. You have something that you can’t make stay, but pray to God that it does. You have someone. Someone that loves you unconditionally, someone that you can count on when you can’t count on yourself, someone to be your #1 fan, someone to do laundry with, someone that gets your inside jokes, someone to say good night to. But saying good night to someone is hard, because then you have to trust that they’ll still be there when you wake up. So we run. We run so we don’t have to say good night, because we don’t want to risk not hearing good morning. And we convince ourselves that we’re fine, and that it wouldn’t have worked out anyway. We convince ourselves that fear is an acceptable reason for giving up. But fear is not an answer, it’s an excuse. We excuse ourselves from trying because we're afraid of it not working out, but more than that, we’re afraid that it will. What if it does work out, what if we fall in love? Then we have to do something, then we have to say good night. So you have a choice, you can choose to walk away, you can choose to let distance, or doubt, or fear make your decisions, or you can choose to stay. You can stay, and be scared, and love. Fear doesn’t last forever, and running is tiring, so you can wait until the day your legs give out, or you can step up, get a treadmill, and spend your life giving someone a reason to say good morning.

Good morning.

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