Monday, September 13, 2010

In a perfect world

Today was the first day of the class I teach.. It went well I think, I love to teach and be involved with the students.

On another note, I was completely judged by my history of creativity professor. I wrote him an email asking for permission to be in his class even though it was full (and had permission from the advisement center to do so.. I really just needed the access code) and he wrote me a really rude email back saying that he was concerned with my level of commitment and amount of effort I was going to put into his class; and that he was concerned that I wasn't going to read or do the big semester project to the best of my ability. And finally, he was concerned that I had "put off" my last Gen Ed credit until I'm graduating.. but that he "felt" he should give me the code based off of the expectation that I will attend class, do the reading, and start the project now.......In a perfect world I would say something like this..... Well Professor, although we've never met or spoken before I appreciate the fact that you have the audacity to make such assumptions about my academic reputation. At the very least that either takes a lot of courage, or a lot of stupidity. Now let me correct you; you're absolutely right about the nursing program being a serious commitment. However, with that said, this is my third and final year in the program and I've gotten very good at handling its demands, as well as the demands from my other classes and personal life. Also, I did not in anyway procrastinate my Gen Ed requirement, some semesters allow for classes outside of nursing and others don't. I consider myself very lucky to only have one left at the start of my senior year; and hard work has definitely paid off because I will be able to heed the recommendation of the nursing professors and enter into my capstone semester Gen Ed free. Finally, you will not have to waste your time mocking my scholarly career with your "expectations" because that is the standard that I hold myself to every semester. My level of academic commitment does not waver for any class, and nor does my amount of effort. I do not, and will not compromise my education just because I have a busy schedule, or the class is outside my area of expertise. So please, consult me before you make anymore judgments about my academic character.

......My actual email will be a little less rash.

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